martes, 15 de enero de 2013

Let's speak!

In pairs.

Learner 1: Please, tell your partner the Three little pigs story, using your own words.

Learner 2: Describe the main characters of the story and the little pigs' houses.

Idioms and phrasal vebs

Please, select this link for learning some idioms and phrasal verbs.

Watch and listen!

Please, pay attention to the story. Let's learn how we pronounce the main vocabulary that we have studied in the previous exercise.

Let's learn vocabulary!

Now it is time to learn the vocabulary. We can look up the text to complete de exercise.

Vocabulary: The three little pigs

1. The main characters of this story
3. We can make fire in it and also it is used by Santa Clauss (and by the wolf)for coming in a house.
4. The third little pig builds his house with it. In Spanish it means "ladrillo".
6. The place where we live
9. The bad character of the story
11. Problem.
2. The second little pig builds his house with it. In Spanish it means "palo".
5. The highest part in a house.
7. The first little pig builds his house with it. In Spanish it means "paja".
8. Intelligent.
10. It is used for making tea or heating water.

11 of 11 words were placed into the puzzle.
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